
Keep track of all your vendor details in one place so that you have a complete overview of your relationships with them. This includes information such as the vendor's name, contact information, expiring and auto-renewing contracts, and other relevant data such as last and next review dates, business-critical status, and responsible party.

  • Add, update, track, manage, in one place
  • Contact information
  • Expiring and auto-renewing contracts
  • Review dates
  • Assign responsible users
BNControl - Vendors - Home

Risk Ratings

Define custom risk factors and rate each vendor according to your criteria. You can define different risk statuses, such as High, Medium, or Low, and track ratings for all vendors. This will help you to identify and manage risks associated with your vendors. By tracking ratings for all vendors, you can identify vendors that are at higher risk, and take steps to mitigate these risks.

  • Custom risk statuses and definitions
  • Easily identify high-risk vendors
BNControl - Vendors - Risk BNControl - Vendors - Risk Factors

Risk Summary

The Risk Summary provides a simple overview, using your custom risk factor definitions, of all active vendors and their risk rating.

BNControl - Vendors - Risk Summary


Permissions can be used to control who can view vendor information, who can make changes to vendor information, and who is responsible for managing the vendor relationship. This can be helpful to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information and that the correct people make changes to vendor information.

  • Assign who's responsible for the vendor
  • Important notifications
BNControl - Vendors - Permissions

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